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[구인] Kinjo Sushi and Grill Dalhousie / Busser-Server / 415-5005 Dalhousie dr NW
작성자 jhb    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 58397 작성일 2024-10-19 08:29 조회수 493
업종(혹은 상호) : Kinjo Sushi and Grill Dalhousie
업무(포지션) : Busser-Server
시급 혹은 월급 : 15tip
업소위치 : 415-5005 Dalhousie dr NW
근무조건 : 풀타임
연락처 : jasonbyun@kinjogroup.ca

We prefer the candidate who wants to grow with the company and be ambitious to join the management team(Supervisor, Manager) in future.

Kinjo Sushi and Grill Dalhousie Calgary

Looking for dining Busser/Server


Company Name: 

Kinjo Sushi & Grill - Dalhousie

Job Title:

Busser / Server

Number of openings:

Depends on candidates 



#415 5005 Dalhousie Dr. NW Calgary T3A 5R8

Job type:



 Hourly, plus tips


Job description:

 Busser Position is the base start point for all Front of House employees. Maintaining a clean environment, delivering food to the tables, and supporting the dining are the expectations of a busser. As your development continues, more positions will be granted, such as Hosting, Servering, Bartending, and given your next steps, supervising and management. Further details will be provided upon interview.


Please send your "English" resume to 




Please mention your


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