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WIND, 캐나다 4번째 cellphone carrier 출범
작성자 와치독    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 2087 작성일 2009-12-17 23:07 조회수 1350


Stores will open in Calgary on Friday, followed by the launch of services in Ottawa, Edmonton and Vancouver in the new year, said Ken Campbell, chief executive of WIND.

WIND will offer three voice and text plans starting at $15 a month. The top two plans will cost $35 and $45. All plans offer unlimited calling between WIND customers, while the two most expensive options allow for unlimited calling across Canada within WIND’s “home zones,” or where its network is present.

WIND’s network covers the Greater Toronto Area as well as the five cities in which it will operate services next. Outside of those areas, WIND holds a national roaming agreement with Rogers Communications Inc.

WIND will also offer four data options for smartphone users who wish to surf the Web on the go. Starting at $10, users will have unlimited instant messaging and access to sites like Facebook and MySpace.

For $35 a month, customers will have what WIND calls “unlimited” Web access. However, users who need more than five gigabytes of data will have their download speeds slowed to ensure the network is not overburdened, the company said.

홈페이지 주소

no contract로 한 달 35불에 무제한 통화라니 정말 파격적인 제안인 것 같습니다. 이제 evenings & weekends 상관없이 맘 놓고 전화할 수 있을 것 같네요. 특히 Blackberry 같은 스마트폰을 위한 unlimited web access 는 쎌폰 캐리어들 간의 가격 경쟁을 직접적으로 자극하는 계기가 될 듯 합니다.

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