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EVACUATION OF Mission, Elbow Park, Stanley Park, Roxboro, Rideau and Discovery Ridge
작성자 bowriver     게시물번호 6425 작성일 2013-06-20 14:54 조회수 2722

Local State of Emergency - Evacuation Plan

June 20, 2013 01:15 PM
The City has declared a State of Local Emergency.
To address the safety and security of citizens in low-lying areas, mandatory evacuation orders have been issue for six communities along the Elbow River.
The communities of Mission, Elbow Park, Stanley Park, Roxboro, Rideau and Discovery Ridge are being evacuated immediately.
Residents are encouraged to find shelter with family or friends for the next 72 hours minimum. Reception centres have been set up for residents who cannot find alternate accommodations.
Reception centres have been set up at Southland Leisure Centre, 2000 Southland Dr. S.W. and at Acadia Recreation Complex, 240 90 Ave. S.E.
People are encouraged to take identification, prescription medications and other critical personal items such as prescription glasses or infant needs with them when they leave their residents.
Members of the Calgary Police Service, Calgary Fire Department, Animal & Bylaw Services, Calgary Search and Rescue, Canada Task Force 2 and The City’s Corporate Security team will be going door to door in those communities to notify residents of the evacuation.
Calgary Transit and Access Calgary are on standby to evacuate those residents who cannot leave on their own. Please identify yourselves to the emergency responders going door to door.
Residents will not be allowed access to those communities after 3 p.m.
People with pets are encouraged to leave them with family or friends. If that option is not available, people can take their pets to the Animal Service Centre, 2201 Portland St. S.E.
Further information will be made available and posted on Calgary.ca as it becomes available.

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