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홍수피해로 아직 도움이 필요하신 분들에 대한 지역사회 지원 연락처
작성자 ISC     게시물번호 6777 작성일 2013-11-05 17:54 조회수 2857

이번 홍수로 피해를 입으신 캘거리 시민들을 위해 아래의 기관에서는 지속적인 상담 및 도움을 드리고 있습니다. 참고하시기 바랍니다.


The Bowness Community Association has been working in partnership with the following organizations to ensure that all of your flood recovery needs are being met:

·         Bowwest Community Resource Center

·         Canadian Red Cross

·         Calgary Legal Guidance

·         City of Calgary

·         Habitat for Humanity

·         Samaritan’s Purse

·         The Way In Seniors Network

·         The Provincial Flood Recovery Task Force

·         United Way of Calgary and Area

이번 홍수와 관련하여 재정적 도움이 필요하시거나 기타 정보 관련 문의는 403-288-8300 으로 연락주시기 바랍니다.

If you are in need assistance whether it is information, resources or financial assistance please contact us at 403-288-8300.  We understand that your needs are constantly changing and that many of you remain displaced and won’t know what you need until your need it. So when that time comes please call.

The following are community events taking place at the Bowness Community Association directly related to flood relief.

·         자연재해로 인한 정신적 트라우마 극복을 위한 워크샵: Alberta Health Services is providing workshops on trauma relief following a natural disaster on November 12 5:00pm – 7:00pm at the Bowness Community Centre.

·         스트레스 해소법 관련 워크샵: Alberta Health Service is also providing Transform Your Stress, Transform your Health One Hour Workshops on November 15th, 2:00pm to 3:00pm at the Bowness Public Library, 6532 Bowness Road N.W.

·         적십자사의 재해 극복 상담: Every Wednesday from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Red Cross Disaster Recovery workers will be on site at the Bowness Community Centre if you require assistance. Please feel free to drop in. If you would like to meet after 5:00pm or on a different date you can contact Allie, Bowness Red Cross Case Worker, directly at 403-261-6248.

·         무료 온수 탱크 및 보일러 설비 지원: Furnaces and hot water tanks – the province wants to ensure that everyhome has a hot water tank and furnace before winter therefore they are providing them free of charge to flood affected homes. To access this offer you will require your disaster recovery program (DRP) file number. Please contact the Red Cross at 1-866-696-6484.

·         힐링 요가: The Art of Living Foundation is offering free instruction on guided meditation, gentle yoga, breathing techniques and stress relief techniques every Tuesday from 6:00 – 7:00

There are many Bownesians displaced by the flood. If you are in contact with them and they are in need of assistance please let them know that we are here to support and connect.

Bownesians supporting Bownesians is what makes Bowness strong. We will get through this together.

Bowness Recovery Centre 403-288-8300 Various Office Hours.  Please leave a message.

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