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스터디 퍼밋없이 랭기지스쿨 가기
작성자 ayho     게시물번호 6810 작성일 2013-11-21 10:35 조회수 3775
Sir, Madam,

Thank you for contacting Citizenship and Immigration Canada. I am pleased to follow up on your request:

Course Less than Six Months

Generally, if you want to study in Canada, you need a study permit.

As an exception, you can study in Canada without a study permit if the: 

  • Length of your course or program of study is six months or less; and
  • The course or program of study will be completed within the period for your stay authorized upon entry into Canada. 

These short-term courses include self-improvement or general interest courses, such as painting or language courses. You are also allowed to take courses offered at colleges and universities, as long as the courses are not taken as part of a program.

You should apply for a study permit before coming to Canada if you plan on continuing your studies in another program after you complete the short-term course or program. 

Please note that you must apply for a study permit if the main reason for your visit or for your request to extend your stay in Canada is to study.



이건 제가 어제 받은 메일입니다.

현재 lmo 워킹퍼밋 으로 일 하고있고, 오픈퍼밋 받을 예정입니다.

cic 에 궁금한게 있어 전화하면서 스터디 퍼밋을 물어봤더니

학교에서 허가가 떨어지면 거기서 받은 서류룰 받아 제출해야 스터디 퍼밋이 떨어진다고 합니다.

그래서 랭기지스쿨만 가고싶다고 했더니 신청하지 말라고

6개월 이하로 다닐거면 스터디 퍼밋없이 누구든 갈 수 있다고 합니다.

지금 현재도 오픈퍼밋 다녀도 누구든~~~

꽤 오래 살았지만 이건 몰라서 공부를 못했네요 일만하고..

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