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외국인노동자 or 이민 관련 불법신고 방법 및 신고처
작성자 LilyGarden     게시물번호 7176 작성일 2014-03-28 15:51 조회수 4798
노동자 이민 관련  불법신고 방법 및 신고처

1. 고용주가 엘엠오와 다른 근무 조건으로 부당한 대우를 한다면

서비스캐나다 포린워커 신고하세요..(고용주 이름, 회사, 엘엠오 번호, 피고용인 이름 필요,)

For assistance - phone:
Within Canada and the United States: 1-800-367-5693 (toll-free)
Outside Canada and the United States: 506-546-7569

2. 직업소개소에서 직업 소개료를 피고용인한테 요구하면

위 온라인으로 불평접수가능하고
혹 전화 1-877-427-4088
직접 방문- 301 7015 Mcleod Trail S (Mon-Fri 8:15~4:00)접수가능
(엄청 적극적으로 도와줌)

3. 무자격 이민 비자 상담원/에이전시 

Unauthorized providers of immigration services are operating illegally, and ICCRC will review all claims submitted. Where necessary, the information will be forwarded to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) or Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for further investigation.

Please email us at alert@iccrc-crcic.ca or call the ALERT! hotline at 1-289-348-0422, or toll-free in North America at 1-877-836-7543, to provide us with the following information:

• Full name of person(s) you are reporting
• Business name(s) (if applicable)
• Address, phone number, email address of person(s) you are reporting
• Details about your reason for reporting the person(s)

Please attach any website links, photographs, emails, advertisements and any other documentation to support your report.

Thank you for protecting consumers by reporting unregulated immigration representatives.

4. 불법 노동자 신고
Call the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Border Watch Toll-Free Line at 1-888-502-9060 to report:

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