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추모곡) 너를 떠나보내지 않을꺼야!!!
작성자 락팬     게시물번호 7261 작성일 2014-04-21 20:45 조회수 3340
"지금까지 우리 부모에게 변변한 효도 한번 하지 못한 너지만, 앞으로 평생 우리에게 효도하지 못하는 불효자로 살아도 좋다.. 그냥 이번 한번만 살아서 돌아와 다오!!"

실종자 (실은 실종이 아니라 30M 수면 아래의 배 안에 갖혀 있는 고립된 사람들이죠) 가족중 어느 어머니의 절규라고 합니다. 정말 눈물 나지 않을수 없는 대목입니다.

사고 원인과 안전불감증 대한민국이란 사실은 고사하더라도 300명의 어린 학생들을 고작 30M 물속에 가두어 놓고 이런저런 핑계를 대가며 구조를 하지 않는 정부가 안타까우며, 어느 기사 제목대로.  대한민국이 가라앉았습니다.

세르지오 멘데스의 곡 "너를 떠나보내지 않겠다 (Never Gonna Let You Go)"를 추모곡으로 올려봅니다. 

I was as wrong as I could be
To let you get away from me
I'll regret that move
For as long as I'm living
But now that I've come to see the light
All I wanna do is make things right
So just say the word and tell me that I'm forgiven

You and me
We're gonna be better than we were before
I loved you then but now I intend
To open up and love you even more
This time you can be sure

I'm never gonna let you go
I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for the times
I hurt you so
Gonna hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, I swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go

Looking back now it seems so clear
I had it all when you were here
Oh, you gave it all and I took it for granted
But if there's some feeling left in you
Some flicker of love that still shines through
Let's talk it out
Let's talk about second chances

Wait and see
It's gonna be sweeter than it was before
I gave some then but now I intend
To dedicate myself to giving more
This time you can be sure

I'm never gonna let you go
I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for all the times
I hurt you so
Gonna hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, I swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go

[Instrumental Interlude]

So if you'll just say you want me too
I'm never gonna let you go
I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for all the times
I hurt you so
Gonna hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, I swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go

Never gonna let you go
Hold you in my arms forever
Gonna try and make up for all the times
I hurt you so
Hold your body close to mine
From this day on we're gonna be together
Oh, I swear this time
I'm never gonna let you go

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