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진보 인구가 보수 인구를 능가하는 시대가 다가오고 있는 현실
작성자 늘봄     게시물번호 7719 작성일 2014-12-13 22:38 조회수 2636
이미 소개한대로 북미에서 가장 신뢰도가 높으며 두터운 독자층을 갖고 있는 Huffington Post 가 Public Religion Research Institute의  연구발표를 인용보도했습니다. 즉, 북미에서 점차적으로 진보적인 인구가 증가하여 보수적인 인구를 능가한다는 것입니다. 인구조사에 따르면 47%가 66-88세의 고령이며 이들 대부분이 보수층이고, 2차 대전 후 베이비부머 세대는 34%(이들도 상당수가 보수적), X 세대는 23%와 새 밀레니엄 세대 17%(이들은 초자연적인 신과 내세를 믿는 과거의 패러다임을 이해하지 못하는 진화 세대)입니다. 현재 사회의 주류를 이루는 보수적인 세대감소율과 새로운 패러다임을 이해하는 신 세대의 증가율로 따지면 점차적으로 진보적인 인구가 보수를 능가한다는 연구결과입니다. 여기 그 영문 원본을 퍼왔습니다. 더 많은 자료들을 보시려면 www.huffingtonponst.com 에 들어가서 Religion 을 클릭한 후, 확인란에 Katherine Bindley 를 치시면 여러가지 자료들의 목록이 등장합니다. 그 중에 지금 소개하는 자료를 볼 수 있습니다. 곧 이어서 신세대의 종교성향이 감소하고 있다는 연구보고를 소개하겠습니다. 새로운 종교, 새로운 교회, 새로운 신앙이 절실히 필요한 시대가 이미 도래했습니다. 예수도 오늘과 같은 상황에서이미 이 땅 위에 하느님 나라가 도해했다고 선언했습니다. 다시 말해, 예수의 하느님 나라는 죽은 후에 미래에 오는 지역적인 장소가 아니라 오늘 이 순간 우리의 일상생활 속에 있는 실제적인 현상입니다. 이 글도 내 사랑 아프리카 님의 질문에 답변이 되기 바랍니다.

Religious Progressives Predicted To Outnumber Conservatives, Survey Finds

Posted: 07/20/2013 8:10 am EDT Updated: 07/22/2013 11:06 am EDT

A new study has found that while the number of religious conservatives is still greater than that of progressives, the religious left may have a better chance of maintaining its foothold with Americans over time.

"If you’re using a generational snapshot today as a proxy for the future, it is is safe to say that religious progressives hold a stronger appeal among Millennials," said Robert Jones, CEO of Public Religion Research Institute, which surveyed 2,000 adults in partnership with the Brookings Institute.

While the Christian right makes up 28 percent of the population and garners more cultural attention -- Jones found that there are 27,000 global monthly Google searches for “Christian Right" compared with just over 8,000 searches for “Christian left" -- religious progressives are only 9 percentage points behind, with 19 percent of the population.

With each generation, the popularity of religious conservatism has declined. Forty-seven percent of the Silent Generation (ages 66 to 88) are religious conservatives, compared with 34 percent of Baby Boomers, 23 percent of Gen Xers and 17 percent of Millennials.

"What we see is not a one-to-one replacement of religious conservatives with religious progressives," Jones explained. Instead, the ranks of religious conservatives over time are declining, while religious progressives maintain their share of the population. "But there's also this growing number of non-religious Americans." If the trends continue, religious progressives eventually will outnumber religious conservatives.

The findings echo research earlier this year that found the number of people who don't consider themselves part of a religion has hit its highest point since pollsters began tracking religious affiliations in the 1930s.

Claude Fischer, a sociologist at University of California Berkley, told The Huffington Post when the findings were released in March that Americans' move away from organized religion can in part be explained by politics.

"Increasingly, people identify and link organized religion with anti-gay attitudes, sexual conservatism, a whole range of those kinds of social cultural values," Fischer said.

The new survey raises the question of whether a religious left stands a chance of causing its own political groundswell. Jones, with the Public Religion Research Institute, noted that other findings in the survey show there would be considerable hurdles to such a movement.

Unlike conservatives, concentrated largely in the South and the Midwest, religious progressives are scattered throughout the country. They're also less likely to have a close attachment to religious institutions, to rate religion as a strong priority or to view religion as something that should be part of public debates. On top of that, progressives are a more diverse group of people when it comes to race and religion. 

"If you want to turn to the question of like what does this mean about a progressive religious movement, you clearly have to think about some caveats," Jones said. "It becomes a very complicated heterogenous group of people to communicate with and organize with."

The Public Religion Research Institute survey was conducted May 30 to June 16 and has a margin of error of 2.6 percentage points.


Inspiring Female Religious Leaders
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AP Photo / Virginia Mayo

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