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급증하는 젊은 세대의 무종교인들
작성자 늘봄     게시물번호 7720 작성일 2014-12-13 23:01 조회수 2736
이미 소개한대로 전 세계에서 가장 두터운 독자층을 갖인 언론 Huggington Post 에서 발표한 자료를 인용했습니다. 젊은 세대들의 종교성향이 1930 이래 최악입니다. 1930/40년대에 무종교인이 5% 이었는데, 1990년에 8%로 증가했고, 이제는 20%까지 증가했으며, 그 증가율은 중단할 기미를 전혀 보이지 않고 있습니다. 특히 30대들은 대부분이 무종교인임을 자처합니다. 앞서 소개한대로 2005년 한국 통계청의 종교분포 발표와 대단히 흡사한 이야기입니다. 한반도뿐만아니라 북미와 유럽의 공통적인 현상입니다. 다시 말해, 보수적인 구세대가 물러가고 현대과학을 이해하고 생활화하고 있는 새로운 패러다임의 신세대가 주류를 이루는 시대가 도래했습니다. 여기에 따라서 종교체제들도 내부적으로 또한 외부적으로 새롭게 거듭나야 합니다. 보수는 인류역사에서 언제나 존재하겠지만 세상을 앞으로 이끌어가는 힘은 진보입니다. 21세기 첨단과학 시대에 보수의 특성인 이분법적 배타적 우월적 독선적 초자연적 내세적 신앙/철학/사고 를 떠나 보내야 합니다. 이렇게 말한다고 무신론자 또는 기존체제를 거부한다고 회의론자라고 치부해서는 안됩니다. 우주는 지금도 그리고 영원히 진화하고 있습니다. 지금이라도 늦지 않았습니다. 젊은 세대들이 자신들의 새로운 패러다임에 따라 종교/철학/가치관을 발전시켜가도록 후원해야 합니다. 이 글도 내 사랑 아프리카 님의 질문에 답변이 되기 바랍니다.

Religion Among Americans Hits Low Point, As More People Say They Have No Religious Affiliation: Report

Posted: 03/13/2013 7:59 pm EDT Updated: 03/14/2013 11:52 am EDT

The number of Americans who claim to have no religious affiliation is the highest it has ever been since data on the subject started being collected in the 1930s, new research has found.

Sociologists from the University of California, Berkeley, and Duke University analyzed results from the General Social Survey and found that the number of people who do not consider themselves part of an organized religion has jumped dramatically in recent years.

Back in the 1930s and 1940s, the number of "nones" -- those who said they were religiously unaffiliated -- hovered around 5 percent, Claude Fischer, one of the researchers with UC Berkeley, told The Huffington Post. That number had risen to only 8 percent by 1990.

But since then, the number of people who don't consider themselves part of a religion has increased to 20 percent.

"This was not happening really for decades, until around 1990 when it started to take off," Fischer told HuffPost. "One thing striking is the trend in terms of renouncing religious affiliation you might say continues to move up at a regular pace, while there is hardly any perceptible trend in the percentage of people who express atheist or agnostic beliefs."

However, it should be noted that the research looks at whether or not a person associates himself with a particular faith; it does not measure how spiritual a person considers himself to be.

"When you're talking about whether people affirm a religion, you're talking about identifying, 'I'm a Catholic,'" Fischer explained. "Identifying is a different issue than people's beliefs, whether they believe in God, or life after death."

The research also found that men were more likely than women to claim they have no religion -- 24 percent compared to 16 percent -- and that African Americans and Mexican Americans were more likely to associate themselves with a religion than whites.

But perhaps the most telling numbers pertained to the breakdown of the respondents' politics: 40 percent of liberals claim they have no religion, compared to just 9 percent of conservatives.

Fischer and his colleague, Mike Hout, analyzed similar data 10 years ago and theorized that the shift away from organized religion is directly tied to politics.

"This is a product of the involvement of the religious right in American politics and the increasing connection in Americans' minds, the minds of moderates and liberals, that religion equals conservative politics equals religion," Fischer said.

While Fischer and Hout have not yet conducted further analysis to conclude that these same factors are continuing to drive Americans away from religion today, a heightened national focus on social issues suggests politics may still be playing a pivotal role.

"Increasingly, people identify and link organized religion with anti-gay attitudes, sexual conservatism, a whole range of those kinds of social cultural values," Fischer said. "One way you can think about it is, this is blowback."

The results also echo some of the recent findings the Pew Research Center released in October. The center noted that a third of U.S. adults under the age of 30 don't identify with a religion .

In addition to finding that many Americans don't associate with a specific faith, Pew discovered that many aren't in the market for one.

The report found that, "the unaffiliated say they are not looking for a religion that would be right for them. Overwhelmingly, they think that religious organizations are too concerned with money and power, too focused on rules and too involved in politics."
Top 10 Most and Least Religious States
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