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[구인] Kinjo Sushi and Grill Dalhousie / Server/Linecook / 5005 Dalhousie Dr NW
작성자 jhb    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 58799 작성일 2024-12-05 13:20 조회수 345
업종(혹은 상호) : Kinjo Sushi and Grill Dalhousie
업무(포지션) : Server/Linecook
시급 혹은 월급 : 15Server/15.5cooktip
업소위치 : 5005 Dalhousie Dr NW
근무조건 : 풀타임
연락처 : Jasonbyun@kinjogroup.ca


#415 5005 Dalhousie Dr. NW Calgary T3A 5R8


Job type: Full-time


Pay: Hourly, plus tips


Opened Position : Busser-Server(Dining) / Linecook(Kitchen)


We prefer the candidate who is willing to grow up with the company and take the challenge of higher position.


Please send your "English" resume to 




Please mention your



-The position that you are applying

다음글 [구인] H mart Calgary BEACON HILL / 뚜레쥬르 캐셔 / 11810 Sarcee Trail NW Calgary AB T3R 0A1
이전글 [구인] 막창도둑 MAKCHANG DODOOK 캘거리 / 라인쿡 / 2 Royal Vista Link NW
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