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Great price for short-term stay from $40/night
작성자 ruirui3316    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 58302 작성일 2023-10-03 17:30 조회수 703

Perfect as a temporary accommodation for travelers or those searching for a long-term home!


$50 for one night.

$40 per night if you stay more than 2 nights.

$250 for 1 week (7 nights and 8 days)

Deposit is required to book this place. Deposit is propotional to the lenth of stays.


【Location】Great Location★★★

Located in the Huntington area, approximately 20 minutes by bus from the airport and about 30 minutes by bus from downtown. There are also direct buses to SAIT and UofC. Superstore is just a 5-minute walk away, making shopping convenient.



This property converts a corner of the living room into a room, but it is completely partitioned, ensuring privacy.


If you are interested, please contact me in English.


text: 825-365-8051

email: ruirui3316@gmail.com

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