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1/1일입주 & 2/1일 입주)베이스먼트 여자분, 2층방 남자분 구합니다
작성자 꿈꾸는나의집    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 62830 작성일 2024-12-05 12:59 조회수 191

Full furnished, all utilities included, clean and beautiful town house without landlord living together.

Currently, international students and working holiday visa workers from Korea, Taiwan and Japan are living together. Basement rooms are reserved for female tenants, 2nd floor two rooms are reserved for male tenants, using bath rooms separately.

Main floor has a kitchen shared area with all utensils, cooking stuff, cleaning stuff. 

Well maintained cozy, clean, warm and beautiful town house with a convenient public transportation.(Direct bus to UofC, downtown, walkable to Bowness park)


Basement room  - 1/1 available - $850

2nd floor big room - 1/1 available - $900

한번 오시면 이사가고싶지않은 편하고 좋은집, 많은 문의 바랍니다.


문의할곳 : mysweethomecalgary@gmail.com  또는

                카카오오픈챗 https://open.kakao.com/o/sIVKVWCg

                      자세한 사진문의 및 주소도 오픈챗으로 공유

다음글 424 Hamptons Mews nw 베이스먼트 or 방 렌트합니다
이전글 Crestment S.W. 타운하우스 여성룸메 구합니다.
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