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Doors Open 캘거리 행사에 자원봉사자 모집합니다.
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 1204 작성일 2015-07-26 08:47 조회수 2740

The Doors Open YYC city-wide event invites Calgarians to see and experience aspects of buildings and spaces that are not usually accessible to the public – free of charge.  Our volunteers get a chance to give back while learning about local history, culture, and meeting many awesome, interesting people.

Whether as a Site Host/Greeter or a member of the Distribution/Collection Team, there are lots of fun ways to get involved with Doors Open YYC as a volunteer! Below is a list of what to expect for both positions.


Site Host/Greeter (two hosts per site, per shift)

Site Hosts are a huge part of the positive experience of the public at Doors Open. As visitors arrive, you will greet them and answer basic questions about Doors Open as well as assist site representatives to ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

Time Commitment: As much as possible, with a minimum of a 1⁄2 day (4 hours) shift on either of the two days of the event and at least one mandatory orientation session. Volunteers are also welcome to attend a volunteer/sponsor appreciation event to be held in October.

Key Characteristics:

·        Outgoing, friendly personality

·        Cool, and calm under pressure as sites get busy

Key Responsibilities:

·        Welcome visitors on the day of the event at the assigned site.

·        Setting up the flag (or taking it down if you have the afternoon shift).

·        Give basic information about the event and the site.

·        Keep a record of visitor attendance as well as basic information (i.e. age group, place of residence, etc.) for our records. The Volunteer Coordinator will collect this information at the end of each day. You will be provided with a tally sheet to use, but can submit your totals via email at the end of your shift.

·        If you have access to social media during the event post, blog, tweet as you help spread the word about the event and your particular site. Possible posts could include what visitors are saying, specifics of your site’s programming, and photos of the site itself (note that photos of participants require a signed waiver form at City sites)!

·        Report any issues and incidents to the Volunteer Coordinator.

Interested?Sign-up on our website doorsopenyyc.org/get-involvedor email us at volunteer@doorsopenyyc.org.




Distribution/Collection Team (up to 20 Positions)

Help distribute volunteer support materials, banners and bins to the participating sites.

Time Commitment: Up to four hours before/after the event. Volunteers are also welcome to attend a volunteer/sponsor appreciation event to be held in October.

Key Characteristics:

·        Must be able to lift 20 lbs.

·        Clean driving record and access to a vehicle.

Key Responsibilities:

·        Deliver bins and banners to the participating sites during business hours.

·        Typically, the distribution of materials will take place on the Thursday and Friday before the event, and the collection of materials will take place Sunday after the event and on Monday.

·        If you like, you can also volunteer during the event weekend as a “cruiser”.

Interested?Sign-up on our website doorsopenyyc.org/get-involvedor email us at volunteer@doorsopenyyc.org.


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