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일본 드러밍 공연이 있습니다. 2월 3일(수) 캘거리 잭싱어 콘서트홀입니다.
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 1301 작성일 2016-01-20 08:52 조회수 2041


좌석 알아보니까. 앞쪽은 거의 다 매진이구요. 뒷줄 일부 남았더군요. 제일 싼 티켓이 1인당 69불이구요. 


The Drummers of Japan - Bakuon

Jack Singer Concert Hall
Wednesday February 3, 2016
Preshow Entertainment - Kaley Kinjo 6:30pm
Concert - 7:30pm

Yamato: The Drummers of Japan bring their fast-paced spectacle of drumming athleticism to Arts Commons in February.  Having thrilled millions of audience members around the globe since their founding in 1993, Yamato is dedicated to showcasing the undeniable dynamism of Japan’s traditional Wadaiko drums.  The drums range hugely in size, allowing for earth-shaking bass to the most delicate tempo.  Combine this with dance, costume, and a flare for the dramatic and you have one heart-pounding evening of contagious rhythm.

“Taiko drumming is a visual and auditory feast combining sheer physical stamina with musical spectacle to provide and exhilarating show that is guaranteed to leave a smile on your face and a spring in your step when leaving the theatre. – The Public Reviews


Part of BD&P World Music presented by Arts Commons.

You can subscribe online, or for tickets and more information, call our box office at 403-294-9494

다음글 레드디어 한글학교 개교(3월5일) Open House(2월6일)
이전글 [답글]일본 드러밍 공연이 있습니다. 2월 3일(수) 캘거리 잭싱어 콘서트홀입니다.
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