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Calgary Christian Events소개
작성자 Victor Yook    지역 일반 게시물번호 1377 작성일 2016-04-19 17:53 조회수 1531
                                                Calgary Christian Events

 캘거리 시청앞에서 10년 이상 매주 4회씩 홈리스들에게 식사를 제공하며 복음전도를 하고 있는 Street Church에서 아래와 같이 캘거리 크리스쳔들의 events를 개최하오니 관심있는 한인 교회와 성도님들의 많은 참여로 한인 기독교인들이 현지 기독교인들과 함께 연합하여 예수 그리스도의 복음의 능력을 함께 나누는 기회가 되길 바랍니다. 하나님께 드리는 찬양과 기도와 예배입니다, 사탄과의 영적 전쟁중인 전세계의 크리스천들이 함께 주님앞에 충성하고 영적 전쟁의 군사들이 되기위한 선포와 기도가 있습니다. 온 열방의 크리스천들이 사탄 전쟁 (무슬림,동성애, 크리스천 탄압 악법, 종교다원주의, NWO음모에 맞섬)에 영적 무사가 되어 자기의 생명을 아끼지 않고 예수그리스도를 증거하고, 어린양의 피로 이기는 역사에 함께 동참하여 주세요.

 1. Prayer Vigil ((Saturday May 21, 2016, 12-4pm) @ Front of Calgary City Hall 

2. Calgary Worship in the Park 2016 ((Saturday May 28th, 2016, 12pm- 8pm )@ Prince's Island Park Enmax stage. 

3. The March for Jesus 2016 (Father's day, Sunday June 19th, 2016, 1pm-5pm) @ Millenium Park to City Hall.

 함께 참석하여 주님께 영광 돌리기 원하시는 한인교회들(찬양팀, 설교자)이나 성도님들은 아래 이메일로 연락바랍니다. Art@streetchurch.ca, amaizinggrace2012@yahoo.com 기타 자세한 사항은 스트릿처치 웹사이트 참조바랍니다. (www.streetchurch.ca). 아래는 캘거리에 있는 많은 교회들과 성도들에게 보내는 Artur 목사님의 편지입니다.

 Once again March for Jesus is fast approaching and with the added worship in the park event going over well last year we are excited to add another event to the total experience this year. As you have lead people to these events and/or taken part in them in the past, it is my heartfelt pleasure to invite you to do so once again this year and as you consider your groups level of involvement I do encourage you to take hold of a larger portion than you have in the past as every tree grows naturally and produces abundance from its growth. This year I am excited to announce that we are starting with a city wide prayer vigil at the very steps outside city hall in an area the city has granted usage of. This event will be on Saturday May 21st, 2016 at 12pm until 4pm and we look forward to having the might of prayer put into action. This is the second prayer vigil held at this location and last vigil also held a solid message from Pastor Artur Pawlowski in regards to the many issues I have personally heard Christians speak out against like the policies the government wants to force in all our schools regardless of beliefs. So please be present as I know my God is watching, is listening and will be there. After our prayers we will once again be blessed with the ability to hold a worship service in one of the greatest outdoor venues in the country, Calgary Worship in the Park 2016 will be Saturday May 28th, 2016 from 12pm until 8pm at Prince's Island Park Enmax stage. Last year we had such an incredible collection of worship bands and givers of the Word that it was a great privilege for me to take part in. If you were involved last year and did not hear some of the testimonies of how people's lives had been transformed just from sitting there in that atmosphere for some time, let me assure you it happened and all to the Glory of God. Now for you to be involved in either of these events please let us know ASAP so that we can slot you in and work with you and your group in one or both events. In the past it was those who were involved in the initial events who were blessed with the very few slots we have available in the March for Jesus and I'm fairly certain that trend will continue as we continue to grow. On a personal note I urge you that in these days we need to stand up and be public, some of you have heard me personally speak about the spirit of goliath that is in this land and know that I don't stand for it and how I've commented about the what the past 50 years of the Church has done in this land compared to the previous 50. This is our time my brothers and sisters, this is our place, lets work in victory and not some far fetched brand new form of church but instead a rebirth of what already brought us victory. All of this is of course the wind up to the March for Jesus 2016 which is perpetually held on father's day and will be Sunday June 19th, 2016 this year with launch will be 1pm from Millenium Park so come and march through the heart of downtown as we declare this city for Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour and you will be blessed. For further information or to sign up you may respond to this email, contact me personally at 403-870-0226 (text message preferred please) or you may contact Pastor Artur Pawlowski at 403-607-4434 (I believe he prefers phone calls or leave a voice message) or email him at Art@streetchurch.ca. May Peace and Grace reside within you,


* 운영팀에 의해서 본 게시물이 자유게시판에서 행사안내로 이동되었습니다 (2016-04-20 10:20)

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