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캘거리 한인장학재단 장학생 모집 공고
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 1387 작성일 2016-05-07 05:11 조회수 2787

I. 장학금 종류 금액

1. 예체능 특기자 고등학교 장학생 (Grade 11-12 as of Sept 2015: $750/person)

          2. 대학교 학부 장학생 ($1500/person, 2-4 학부 학생 대상)

3. 대학교 재정지원 장학금 ($1500/person, 학부 학생 대상)

4. 의대/법대/치대 장학생 ($2000/person)

5. 캘거리 대학교 장학생 ($2000/person): CKSF에서 캘거리 대학교에 기부하여 운용 (지원가능 학과: Art, Science, Nursing, Kinesiology, Social work. 학부 학생 대상)


II. 자격조건캘거리 주변에 거주하고 있는 캐나다 시민권영주권부모가 워킹비자를 소지하고 있는 한국 출신 학생 (장학금 1-4)자세한 내용은 아래의 신청서양식 자격조건, 제출서류를 참고 하시기 바랍니다.

*캘거리 대학교 장학금은 캘거리 대학에서 학업하는 모든 학생이 지원가능하며 캘거리 대학으로 직접 신청


III. 접수방법: 온라인 접수 (http://www.calgaryksf.org>Application>Submit Application)

1.    : 캘거리 장학회 웹사이트 www.calgaryksf.org>Application (Application Form)에서 신청서 Download 작성

2.    자격조건 & 제출서류: 캘거리 장학회 웹사이트 www.calgaryksf.org>Application (Application Form) 참고

3.    모든 제출 서류는 PDF 파일로 변환하여 upload

4.    추천서는 info.cksf@gmail.com으로 추천자가 직접 이메일

5.    성적표는 아래의 주소로 학교쪽에서 직접 우편 발송


IV. 접수 마감일과 성적표 제출처

1. 마감일시2016 811 목요일 3:00pm

2. 성적표 제출처: 캘거리 한인장학재단 (Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation)

3. 주소: 7008 Farrell Rd SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2


V. 장학금 시상식2016 101 토요일 3:00pm 한인회관


 기타 문의:  info.cksf@gmail.com

조현주(403-567-0402, hyunjucho@hotmail.com)


* 있는 지역 한인분들의 장학금 후원을 환영합니다.


I. Categories and amounts Scholarship

1. Special Talent Scholarship (Grade 11-12 student as of Sept 2016, $750/person)

2. College/University Regular Scholarship ($1500/person, 2nd, 3rd & 4th year undergraduate student only)

3. College/University Bursary Scholarship ($1500/person, undergraduate student only)

4. Medical/Law/Dental School Students ($2000/person)

5. University of Calgary Scholarship ($2000/person): CKSF donated scholarship to the University of Calgary (Eligible Faculties: Art, Science, Nursing, Kinesiology, and Social work, undergraduate student only)


II. Eligibility: Korean descendant Canadian, landed immigrant or a child of work permit (visa) holder whose parent(s) resides in Calgary or its immediate vicinity (categories 1-4). Any student who studies in U of C can apply to the University of Calgary scholarship. Please apply to U of C directly. For more detailed information, please check carefully the following attached files: Application form, eligibility and required documents.


III. How to apply: Apply online (www.calgaryksf.org>Application>Submit Application)

1.    Application Form: Download from CKSF Website www.calgaryksf.org>Application (Application Form)

2.    Eligibility & Required documents: Please check CKSF Website www.calgaryksf.org>Application (Application Form)

3.    Upload all required documents in PDF format

4.    Ask your referee to send Reference letter to info.cksf@gmail.com directly.

5.    Transcript should be sent to CKSF from the educational institution by mail to the address below.


IV. Deadline of application and transcript mailing address

1.     Deadline: 3:00pm on August 11, 2016

2.     Calgary Korean Scholarship Foundation,  

7008 Farrell Rd SE Calgary, AB T2H 0T2


V. Scholarship Award Day: 3:00pm on Oct 1, 2016 at Calgary Korean Association Hall


For further information: info.cksf@gmail.com

Dr. HyunJu Cho(403-567-0402, hyunjucho@hotmail.com)


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