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이민자 여성들을 위한 정부지원 프로그램 안내.
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 1788 작성일 2018-08-10 09:34 조회수 2064

New funding boosts opportunities for women

Status of Women is supporting 32 projects that will help immigrant entrepreneurs, empower Indigenous communities and make life better for Alberta women.

Investing in women’s equality across Alberta

L to R: MLA Annie McKitrick, future business owner Nadifa Oma, and Minister Larivee enjoy Oma's catering selection.

The province is providing $850,000 to non-profit organizations to kick-start or expand innovative projects that empower women in leadership roles, increase economic security for their families and prevent gender-based violence.

“When women succeed, Alberta succeeds. Through partnerships with frontline organizations, we’re helping to mentor budding entrepreneurs, giving new Canadian families a leg up and making Alberta safer for women and girls.”

Danielle Larivee, Minister of Status of Women

One-time grants of up to $50,000 will support new projects or expand successful programs into new parts of the province. The wide variety of projects are focused include mentorship programs in business and technology and skills training to overcome gender-based and domestic violence.

The Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative is receiving a $50,000 grant to help immigrant and refugee women run micro-enterprises in their own communities. The cooperative is partnering with the University of Alberta to create and roll-out a model that will help new Albertans become small business owners.

“The women we work with are talented, with incredible entrepreneurial gifts honed in their home countries and brought here to a new homeland. This grant from Status of Women will support our work to bridge relational and cultural gaps these women need to overcome, helping them find the resources and local expertise needed to reach their aspirational goals.”

Yvonne Chiu, Multicultural Health Brokers Cooperative

The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights will use $50,000 to expand a project aimed at newcomers and vulnerable women.

“Many of the Indigenous and immigrant women we serve don’t know what resources are available or have had bad experiences accessing institutions and supports. Through the Stride self-advocacy program, these women are gaining agency and supporting their communities by knowing their rights, learning to self-advocate, and connecting their experiences and to each other. As one of our participants told us, when we come together, we can move forward.”

Tisha Raj, Projects and Communications Coordinator, John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights

Another $25,000 grant will help the Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women host an Indigenous Women Justice Forum later this fall, helping participate navigate the justice system and advocate for better outcomes.

“This grant will bring together strong and resilient Indigenous women to create positive change. Indigenous women are disproportionately represented in the justice system, and opportunities like this help provide tools to help families, workers and communities find better paths forward.”

Rachelle Venne, CEO, Institute for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women

This is the second year of the Status of Women Community Grant Program, which supported 34 organizations last year.


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