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트뤼도 수상관 함께 하는 전국 노인의 날 맞이 화상 미팅 . 10월 1일(목)
작성자 운영팀     게시물번호 2113 작성일 2020-09-18 14:11 조회수 1563

CARP marks National Seniors Day with largest-ever virtual meeting of seniors

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Sept 18, 2020—This National Seniors Day (Oct 1), CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons) is hosting Canada’s largest-ever virtual meeting of seniors in honour of older people in our communities. A national Minute of Silence will also be observed to remember those who have died due to COVID-19 in long-term care homes in Canada.

The event features a welcome from Prime Minister Trudeau, an interview with the federal Minister of Seniors and special messages from some celebrity guests.

Older people and their advocates are invited to register for this free online event at www.carp.ca/NationalSeniorsDay. The event starts at 1:00pm ET on Thursday, Oct 1.

CARP (formerly the Canadian Association for Retired Persons) is Canada’s largest advocacy association for older Canadians. Its mission is to advocate for better healthcare, financial security, and freedom from ageism. 

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