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워킹 비자 연장 질문있어요!! (PGWP)
작성자 choppymom     게시물번호 11483 작성일 2018-05-09 13:09 조회수 2819

제 비자가 이번달 9월달에 만료됩니다 (PGWP 세이트 졸업후 받은워킹비자로 일하고있어요).

 작년 7월에 family sponsorship - common in law 카테고리고 영주권신청후 지금 신체검사마치구 기달리구있어요 영주권신청할때 오픈워킹은 신청하지않았습니다 당시 워킹비자가 1년더 남아있어서요.

아무래도 영주권이 제 현재 워킹 비자가 만료되기 전에 나오진 않을꺼같아서 비자연장을하려고하는데 CRA 웹사이트에 들어가보니 bridging open working permit 에는 제가 해당이 안되는거같아서요. 영주권 신청카테고리안에 family sponsorship 은 포함이 안되어있네요.

제 경우에는 그럼 그냥 working visa 를 신청해야하나요?? 아시는분 답변꼭부탁드립니다!

열심히 살자  |  2018-05-09 13:55         

안녕하세요. 답변이 될런지 모르겠네요

Open work permits for spouses or common-law partners in Canada
If you’re applying under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in-Canada class, you may qualify for an open work permit while your application for permanent residence is being processed. You can submit your application for an open work permit together with your application for permanent residence, or after you apply.

To include your open work permit application with your application for permanent residence, use the Application to Change Conditions or Extend Your Stay in Canada as a Worker. After filling this out, place the open work permit application right underneath the sponsorship checklist.


열심히 살자  |  2018-05-09 13:58         

위에서 말씀하신대로 브리짓워크퍼밋은 해당되지 않습니다.

Types of work permits for your situation
You've applied or you're applying for permanent residence on paper
Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for a bridging open work permit or a regular open work permit.

Bridging open work permit
You may be eligible for a bridging open work permit if:

you’re already working in Canada,
your work permit is due to expire within four months, and
your paper application has been found complete or has received a positive eligibility assessment under one of the following:

Provincial Nominee Program

Caring for Children Class

Caring for People with High Medical Needs Class

You must also meet the general eligibility requirements for a work permit.

When you apply for your open work permit, leave the employer section of the application blank and you must provide certain supporting documents or your application will be refused.

Note: When you complete your work permit application, select “Open Work Permit” as the type of work permit in the “Details of intended work in Canada” section.

Find out how to apply for a work permit.
Regular open work permit
You may be eligible for a regular open work permit if:

you’re applying or have already applied for permanent residence under the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class,
you’ve applied for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds and your application has been approved in principle.

You also need to meet the general eligibility requirements for a work permit.

Note: When you complete your work permit application, select “Open Work Permit” as the type of work permit in the “Details of intended work in Canada” section. Leave the employer section of the application blank when you apply for your open work permit.

글쓰기에 하이라이트 기능이 없어 아쉽습니다.

choppymom  |  2018-05-09 14:06         

열심히 살자님 감사합니다!! :)

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