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EI 리포트시 기타수입관련 문의드립니다.
작성자 전기     게시물번호 13373 작성일 2021-01-13 12:18 조회수 2620

현재 EI 수령중입니다.

리포트시에 기타수입관련 보고시

한국에서 가입했던 보험을 중도상환해서 캐나다에서 받은것도 신고대상이 되려나요?

근로소득도 아닌데 신고를 해야하는지 궁금해서 문의드립니다.


frozen2  |  2021-01-15 11:10         

Before you start completing your report

To complete you report you need the following:

1. If you worked during the period covered, you must provide dates and the number of hours worked, the name and address of the employer you worked for and your total salary before deductions, including tips and commissions — for each week of the report
2. If you started full time work, you must provide the exact date you started to work full-time
3. If you attended school or training, you must provide the number of hours that you were in training and the amount of any training allowance received
4. If you were unavailable for work, for example, you were out of the country, on holidays or you were not looking for work for any reason or if you were incapable of working for illness or injury, you must provide the exact dates
5. If you received or you will receive other money, you must indicate the types of money received, and from whom it was received and the amount, for example, a pension income

제 개인적인 생각으로는 EI report 작성 관련해서 위의 "5번 항목"에 해당되시는 것 같습니다. 아래 사이트를 참조해보시기 바랍니다.


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