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대학졸업후 이민 문의
작성자 단풍나라공주    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 281 작성일 2008-02-13 10:05 조회수 2038
현재 캘거리 대학교 졸업 예정자 입니다.

대학 졸업후 영주권을 신청하려고 하는데

어떤 방법이 가장 좋은지 궁금합니다.

비자,여권 만료기간은 12월이라서 군대 문제는 어떻게 되는지 알려주세요.

워킹퍼밋을 받으면 병역 및 여권이 연장 될수 있는지 궁금합니다.

혹시, 워크퍼밋 스킬레벨 B이상 내주시고 일할사람 구하시는 분이

있으시면 689.4150으로 연락 부탁 드립니다.

leejames  |  2008-02-13 12:33    지역 Calgary     

If you will graduate college or university soon,
You have to find a job which is related to your major before 7 month passed from your graduation.
If you find a job, then apply work permit as international graduated program.
It will give you work permit very quickly, less than 2 weeks.
If you get a work permit as international graduated program,
you are automatically skilled worker who is eligible for Alberta PNP.
To apply Alberta then you have to work at least 6 month at that job to apply Alberta PNP.
After receiving Alberta PNP, then apply RN card.
I think this is the shortest, and easiest way to get RN card.

About passport, you should contact to Korean embassy.
It is totally different matter from visa or army things.

About army, I have no idea about it. if you get work permit, you may able to stay in Canada.
But anyway you will return to Korea someday. then, you have to go to army.
I recommend to go to army before you graduate school.

Sorry for bad English

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