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학생 TAX 신고 가능한가요.?
작성자 내사랑붐붐     게시물번호 7658 작성일 2014-03-18 19:24 조회수 2217

 학생 비자로 있습니다. 아직 SIN 를 받지 못했는데도 TAX 신고가 가능한지요.?! 

만약 된다면 TAX 신고 도와주실분 모십니다. 

rmswls  |  2014-03-19 08:53         

일단 아래 설명 잘 읽어 보시구요..^^
SIN 필요하시네요. 아니면 ITN 필요하구요. 학생이면 받을수 있으니 이기회에 신청하는 것도 괜찮을거 같은데요. 학생이면 로인컴이 되서 레크리션 센타 같은곳 할인도 가능합니다. 버스패스도 할인 가능하구요.. 아니면 나중에 소득이 생겼을때 한꺼번에 신고해서 목돈을 받을 수도 있구요... 소득이 어느정도 안되면 한번에 리턴받지 못하구요.. 다음해로 이월되서 어째든.. 나중에 어느정도 목돈을 받게 됩니다.

Taxes - Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to file a Tax return?

You should file an Income tax return if,
• you want to claim a refund
• you want to apply for the GST/HST credit
• you want to carry forward or transfer unused part of your tuition, education and textbook amount

2. Do I need a Social Insurance Number to file a Tax return?

Yes, you need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to file your tax return, and to work in Canada or to receive benefits and services from government programs. If you do not have a Social Insurance Number (SIN) you will need an Individual Tax Number (ITN). (/isc/sin)

3. How can I get a Social Insurance Number?

To get your Social Insurance Number you need one of the following documents:
• a work permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) (/isc/working-in-canada)
• a study permit issued by CIC and a contract of employment from the University or employer on campus (/isc/working-in-canada)

4. Can I file my taxes with an expired Social Insurance Number (SIN)?

Yes you can file your taxes with an expired Social Insurance Number (SIN). But, it is strongly recommended that you renew it as soon as possible.

If you don’t have a Social Insurance Number (SIN):

5. What is an Individual Tax Number (ITN)?

An ITN is a nine-digit number issued to non-resident individuals who need an identification number but who are not eligible to obtain a Social Insurance Number (SIN).

6. When do I have to get an Individual Tax Number (ITN)?

The Tax Clinics are generally conducted on the second and third week of March. Students are recommended to apply for the ITN in January. It takes about six weeks to get your ITN.

7. How can I get an Individual Tax Number (ITN)?
• Bring the current ORIGINAL (no copies) passport and your T1261 (download the T1261 form from /isc/tax) completed form to our office between 8:30 and 4:30; our student staff will photocopy it.
• The following day come back and pick up the photocopy and form signed and stamped by Enrique.
• Sign and date the form (T1261), and send it to the following address along with the certified copies of your documents.
• Address:

International Tax Services Office
Returns Processing Division
2204 Walkley Road
Ottawa, ON K1A 1A8
• Send only the certified completed T1261 form and the photocopy of Passport/Driver's License.

내사랑붐붐  |  2014-03-19 23:52         

아 자세한 내용 정말 감사드립니다. ^^
서류 준비해서 이 곳으로 보내봐야겠습니다.
시간 내 주셔서 감사합니다 ^^

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