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캘거리하우징에 대해서 아시는 분
작성자 시은맘     게시물번호 7700 작성일 2014-04-01 21:56 조회수 4798
안녕하세요. 이사를 해야 해서 집 시세를 알아보고 있는데 많이 올랐더군요. 그러던 중에 캘거리 하우징이 있다고 들었습니다. 사이트를 검색해 보기는 했는데 콘도나 타운하우스 위치는 없더라구요 sw지역에서 캘거리 하우징 콘도나 타운하우스 위치 아시는 분이 있는지? 또 어떻게 하면 등록 할 수 있는지 아시는 분 있으면 알려주세요.] 그밖에 좋은 정보 있으면 알려 주시면 감사하겠습니다.

rmswls  |  2014-04-01 23:45         

글 퍼온곳 : http://www.calgary.ca/CS/OLSH/Pages/Calgary-Housing-Company/Applicant%20information/Eligibility-criteria-for-CHC.aspx#thai


일단 캘거리 하우징에 자격이 되시는지 밑에 퍼온 정보 읽어 보시구요. 인컴뿐만 아니라.. status 그리고 재산까지 보네요. 자격이 된다면... 현재 캘거리 하우징을 기다리는 가정 혹은 개인이 3000팀 이상이 기다린다니 얼마나 걸릴지는 모를 일인거 같네요.

그리고 제가 들은바로는요.. 좋은 위치에 캘거리 하우징 없습니다. 그리고 그것 하는 사람들 대부분이 한국인들과 이질감을 많이 느낄 수 있는 사람들이 대분분 이라고 들었어요. 문화차이, 종교차이, 생활수준차이....등등이요. 애들 데리고 살기가 좀 걱정 된다고 하더라구요. 직접 경험해보진 못했으니 이정도만 올립니다. 개인적인 생각이니 다른 의견 있을 수 있습니다.^^

Total household annual income

Calgary Housing Company determines income eligibility by calculating the total gross (before tax) annual income of all family members 15 years of age and older. This total household annual income is then compared to the Core Need Income Threshold (CNIT). The CNIT determines the maximum annual income a household can earn and still be eligible for subsidized housing.

The current 2013 Core Need Income Threshold (CNIT) rates for the City of Calgary are:

1 Bedroom $39,000
2 Bedrooms $48,000
3 Bedrooms $53,000
4 Bedrooms $57,500
5 Bedrooms $60,500

Core Need Income Threshold (CNIT)* is based on the number of bedrooms a family needs to be adequately housed (not the number of occupants in the household).

For example, if your family consists of two parents with one child, your CNIT would be $45,000 because you would need two bedrooms to be adequately housed. If your total annual household income fell on or below this rate, you would be eligible to apply for subsidized housing.

(*Note: the CNIT is adjusted annually.)


To qualify for affordable housing, a household's total assets cannot exceed $7,000.
Assets include, but are not limited to:
•Bank Accounts,
•Investments (excluding RRSPs),
•Equity in Property, and/or
•Equity in a Motor Vehicle (assessed by reviewing the value in the most current Canadian Red Book)
Residency status

To qualify for affordable housing, a household's primary applicant must be:
•A Canadian citizen,
•An individual who has been lawfully admitted into Canada for permanent residence and who does not have an active family sponsorship,
•A refugee sponsored by the Government of Canada, or
•An individual who has applied for refugee status and has received confirmation of acceptance of immigration status, and for whom private sponsorship has broken down. If the individual's sponsorship is broken down, documentation will be required as verification.

All other members of the household must be lawfully allowed to reside permanently in Canada.

Individuals or families who have arrived in Canada within the past 10 years are required to present their Record of Landing / Confirmation of Permanent Residence (the wallet sized Permanent Resident Card is acceptable).

Waiting list for housing
Page Content

The Calgary Housing Company waiting list is not a numbered, first-come-first-served system. Each applicant's file ​is assessed individually and housing is based on priority, need and availability.

Unfortunately, we are unable to tell you when a unit will become available for you. We currently have over 3,000 applicants waiting for affordable housing and, when a unit becomes available, our leasing department immediately fills that unit with the next applicant whose individual situation is the most urgent, and meets the qualifications of that unit.

Applications are prioritized on the basis of need as determined by income, assets, residency status and current housing conditions. Priority on the waiting list can change on a daily basis based on the number of applicants that have a greater or lesser need and based on the availability of housing.

There is only one waiting list for all Calgary Housing Company subsidized rental programs and all applications are considered in comparison to each other. Based on the information provided on the applications, Calgary Housing Company offers applicants who are considered the most in need assistance first, provided suitable accommodation is available to match their specific housing requirements.

Calgary Housing Company is unable to determine when you will be offered housing, but we encourage you to consider factors that could delay the process of finding suitable accommodation:

1.Locations - Applicants may choose specific communities where they prefer to live; however limiting the number of acceptable areas may prolong the search to find affordable accommodation. You may consider expanding the range of communities where you would like to live to a broader quadrant of the city (e.g. NE, NW, SE, SW).

2.Pets - Applicants may wish to consider an alternative for their pets; although we understand how important pets are in your family, not all properties accept pets; therefore, specifying that you prefer a unit that allows pets may lengthen your wait to find affordable accommodation. You may wish to think about considering a friend, neighbour or family member to help you with your pet.

3.Rental Programs – There is one application for all Calgary Housing Company subsidized rental programs; if you have specified a particular subsidized rental program on your application, you will not be offered housing in any of the other rental programs.
The more limitations you place on your application, the more restricted our leasing department is in its ability to assist you with your housing needs.

You may refuse a unit if offered one, but given the extensive number of applicants waiting for a unit, it may be a considerable length of time before another unit will be offered.

MS.  |  2014-04-03 17:57         

저는 지금 캘거리하우징에서 운영하는 다운타운
아파트에 살고있습니다
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입주를 하실수 있습니다.

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