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이민알선 (job placement) 수수료를 받는 것은 불법(illegal)입니다
작성자 와치독    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 786 작성일 2008-10-05 22:52 조회수 1871
http://www.albertacanada.com/immigration/employers/employmentagencies.html#5 What fees can employment agencies charge workers? An employment agency cannot directly or indirectly demand or charge a fee, reward or other compensation to a person seeking employment or information about employers seeking employees, or for securing employment or information about any employer. To do so is an offence and illegal under the Alberta Employment Agency Business Licensing Regulation. Employment agencies may charge a fee for services provided, relating to the preparation of a resume, but the agency cannot require a person to purchase these services as a condition of the agency's job placement services. If the agency charges fees for a resume, these must be clearly indicated and visible in their business premises and in the contract with their client. 어제 삼성역 COEX에서 있었던 이민 박람회 갔다가 대사관,앨버타 사무소 직원들 하고도 이야기를 했었는데, 이런 불법 행위하는 업체들이 버젓이 booth를 차려 놓고 있더군요. jurisdiction이 한국에까지 미치지 않으니까 그런 거겠지만 신청서 비용 $150 이면 될 것을, 영어가 어렵다는 이유로 어마어마한 알선 수수료를 지불하는 게 당연하다고 생각하는 사람들이 참 안타까웠습니다. 이 게시판을 이용하시는 분들은 그런 피해를 입지 않길 바랍니다.

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