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자유당의 이민정책관련 공약은 무엇이었나요?
작성자 lovesdj     게시물번호 9115 작성일 2015-10-25 20:50 조회수 1968

시민권과 영주권, 각종 비자포함해서요.

NDP 공약은 읽었는데 자유당쪽 공약은 잘 몰라서요.


LilyGarden  |  2015-10-25 21:40         

Party positions - Immigration


The Conservatives haven't made specific promises regarding immigration, but it seems they will continue with their current way. Bill C-50 gave the Immigration Minister the authority to limit the number of new immigration applicants and to fast track the applications of skilled immigrants.

The Liberal party is promising to:

→ Repeal the changes brought in by Bill C-50, saying that it does not harbor a fair system based on due process

→ Spend $400 million to increase the efficiency of the immigration system. $200 were pledged for enhanced language training and another $200 for a new program for internships, mentorship and work placement opportunities

→ Create an In Canada-Fast Track program to allow temporary workers, international students, and live-in caregivers to apply for permanent residence within Canada

→ Introduce the "Welcome Canada Pass" a five-year renewable multiple entry visa for individuals sponsored by Canadian citizens and landed immigrants


Immigration promises made by the NDP is in this election include:
→ Pledges to recognize foreign professionals

→ End application processing fees

→ Speed up family reunification

→ Launch a Refugee Appeal Division

→ Reform the visa program to facilitate family visit

→ Grant refuge to American soldiers refusing to serve in Iraq

→ Demand the system allow for the fair entry of refugees and immigrants on humanitarian compassionate and family reunification grounds

→ Accelerate the recognition of foreign credentials and overseas degrees

→ Increase financial support for the settlement process of new Canadians to assist with literacy, community integration, and orientation


→ Pledges to remove barriers to recognize the professional credentials of immigrants

→ Promises cash transfers to provinces for language training and free night school programs

→ Would start a new process to "lead to full landed immigrant status" for the 200 000 people in Canada without official status

→ Plans to crack down on shady immigration consultants and human smugglers

Bloc Québécois

→ Wants to create an immigration system that is more efficient and humanistic

→ Calls for a refugee appeal division and a moratorium on deportation to hostile countries, many of which are major sources of immigration to Quebec, such as Afghanistan, Burundi, DRC, Haiti, Iraq, Rwanda and Zimbabwe

→ Believe that provincial and not federal authorities should control immigration in the provinces

→ The Bloc is against Bill C-50

운영팀  |  2015-10-26 07:28         

CN드림에서도 기사로 많이 실었어요. 기사쪽 클릭하거나 기사 검색으로 찾아보세요

SoC  |  2015-10-26 22:02         

라이프 - 칼럼.문학 가시면 한우드이민칼럼있습니다.

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신속하고 꼼꼼한 진행 덕분에 영주권을 취득했습니다!

캐나다 영주권 취득을 위해 SOS 캐나다를 선택한 것은 정말 최고의 결정이었습니다. 처음에는 복잡하고 막막했던 이민 과정이 앤드류 지사장님과 팀의 세심한 도움 덕분에 예상보다 훨씬 수월하게 진행되었습니다.

특히, 앤드류 지사장님께서 디테일한 상담과 체계적인 업무 처리로 모든 과정을 안정적으로 이끌어 주셨습니다. 서류 준비부터 신청 절차, 추가 요청 사항까지 하나하나 꼼꼼하게 챙겨주셔서 불안함 없이 PR을 받을 수 있었습니다. 만약 지사장님의 전문성과 꼼꼼한 지원이 없었다면, 이 과정이 훨씬 어려웠을 것이라고 확신합니다.

또한, SOS 캐나다 팀은 신속한 응대와 투명한 정보 제공으로 이민 절차를 한층 더 편안하게 만들어 주었습니다. 예상보다 빠른 진행 속도와 깔끔한 서류 정리는 물론, 신청 과정에서 생길 수 있는 변수들까지 철저하게 대비해 주셨습니다. 덕분에 걱정 없이 모든 절차를 마칠 수 있었습니다.

캐나다 영주권이나 기타 비자 관련 상담을 고민하고 계신다면, SOS 캐나다를 강력 추천합니다.
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