EI 받는 기간동안 캐나다 벗어나 본적 |
작성자 freetime
게시물번호 9901 |
작성일 2016-07-19 17:01 |
조회수 2340 |
경험있는 사람 대글 정보좀 부탁드립니다.
공항을 통해 캐나다를 떠나시면 EI는 바로 중단됩니다.
저는 경험이 없지만 그런적 있는 분들 이야기를 몇번 들어서 알고 있어요
꼭 필요하다면 출국하셔야 겠지만 정해진 기간 (열흘인가 그렇죠? 아마도) 이상 나가 있으면 EI가 나오지 않습니다. 감안해서 출국 여부 결정하시기 바래요
2주마다 신고해서 EI받는데 만약 허위신고하면 일이 커지므로 허위신고는 절대 하시면 안되구요.
참고 하시기 바랍니다.
Am I allowed to leave Canada while receiving regular benefits?
Usually, you are not eligible to receive regular benefits while you are away from Canada. However, you can receive regular benefits if you show that you are available for work in Canada while abroad and you inform your local Service Canada Centre that you will be away temporarily.
You can be outside Canada for a period of seven consecutive days for the purpose of:
attending the funeral of a member of your immediate family or a close relative;
accompanying a member of your immediate family to a medical facility, provided that the treatment sought is not readily available in the family member's area of residence in Canada;
visiting a member of your immediate family who is seriously ill or injured; or
attending a bona fide job interview.
You can be away from Canada for a period of 14 consecutive days for the purpose of conducting a bona fide job search.
If you indicate that you have taken measures to be reached if an employment opportunity presents itself during your absence and that you are able to return to Canada within 48 hours, we will accept that you have proven your availability.
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