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Nov 1. $650. Anderson station. One bedroom in basement
작성자 LQ    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 58278 작성일 2023-09-30 22:03 조회수 953

I have a bedroom in a basement (bi-level home) for rent from Nov 1. House is about 20 minutes walk to Anderson station. We are right behind Trico center and 10 minutes walk to South Center Mall and Fish Creek Library. Room has a large window, closet, bed with bedframe. Share kitchen and bathroom with a Korean male, who is working full time. There is a separate kitchen in the basement with simple cooking appliances (hot plate, microwave, fridge and sink) shared between the two tenants that live in the basement only.

Rent: $650/month includes utillities and high speed internet. For one person only.

Deposit: $650

Street parking right in front of the house available. No pets.

Please call or text 403-831-5405 or email quachquelan@hotmail.com for more information. English only please!!! Thanks a lot!!!

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