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[구인] Astro Dental Art / Reception / 7325 12ST SE
작성자 Carapple    지역 Calgary 게시물번호 58627 작성일 2024-11-11 10:18 조회수 461
업종(혹은 상호) : Astro Dental Art
업무(포지션) : Reception
시급 혹은 월급 : 16-20
업소위치 : 7325 12ST SE
근무조건 : 풀타임
연락처 : 4034550300


**Astro Dental Art is Hiring a Full-Time Receptionist!**

Astro Dental Art, a leading dental lab, is seeking a professional and friendly **Full-Time

Receptionist** to join our team.


- Fluent in **English and Korean**

- Strong communication and customer service skills

- Organized, detail-oriented, and able to handle front desk tasks


- Greet and assist clients professionally

- Manage phone calls and emails

- Schedule appointments and handle administrative tasks

- Support the daily operations of our busy dental lab

**Why Join Astro Dental Art?**

- Be part of a supportive and dedicated team

- Work in a dynamic and professional dental lab environment

**Interested?** Send your resume to adm.astrodentalart@gmail.com

다음글 [구인] Astro Dental Art / Dental technician assistant / 7325 12ST SE
이전글 [구인] yolohomes / 레노베이션 경험자 혹은 헬퍼 / calgary
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